





Today’s pro tip I want to show you here is on drawing while turning to the target. I want to give you five different elements on learning how to draw in different directions. This is what I call my round about drill, which I have been teaching my students for over 20 years now.  So lets get started on the first one and we will move on.




Position one of the roundabout drill will be facing the target, having the proper stance,  hips and shoulders, don’t move the head, great presentation to the target, understanding all of our fundamentals by looking at the target, now we’ll live fire that.





Now let’s take a look at back to the target, left side and right side.  Now this is more about manipulation and turning the body around. What we want to do is make sure that we have the proper footwork that we leave on , whether it is the right foot or the left foot. But the key thing here is making sure that the gun is in the direction of the target, when we draw it out of the holster.  So as a right handed shooter, my gun is on the right side, I want to make sure I keep the gun up and out.




Now as a right handed shooter moving to the left it becomes even more difficult because I want to make sure I draw the gun safely down range and not sweep anybody who might be on the right hand side of me. So what we are looking for here is make sure we have great presentation, and good safety at all times.





The roundabout drill is my favorite drill that I use on the range. Sometimes I will practice strong hand shooting, sometimes I will put in weak hand shooting. For my friends in law enforcement, if your duty rig is on a drop leg, or a chest mount, or somewhere else on your body; you may even have a slung rifle that you want to do a transition drill on, these five positions will help you learn how to become a better set up shooter on a target. So next time you are out on the range you may want to try the roundabout drill.  Good luck, I will see you soon on the range.





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