


Revolver Speed Reload


There you have it, guys, 12 shots on target with the revolver. Which brings up an interesting point we have to reload, and that's today's Pro Tip. I am going to show you the technique I use to reload a revolver. 



I am right handed so I’m up on target. I have fired my last shot and I am going to bring my thumb on my strong hand and push the cylinder latch forward. Just break it out of the shooting position just a little bit, and with my support hand I am just going to roll it up under the cylinder, eject the fired cases.



Try to keep the muzzle as high as you can. I have two fingers through the window of the frame here; this keeps the cylinder open and keeps the gun in control too. I’ve got two fingers opposing the cylinder so I’ve got good control of the gun when I am handling it relatively fast.



I have ejected the cases and I am bringing it up to my load position. When you go to load, gravity is going to be your friend, so you want to keep your muzzle pointing toward the ground.



I am going to come around, take my loader from my belt, present it to the cylinder and let it go. The key here is if you try to make it perfect, you are going to screw it up, so you have got to give it a little air. I am looking at the charge holes in the cylinder.



 As soon as it makes the insertion into the cylinder, I am going to start bringing the revolver back onto the target area. So my firing hand comes around the grip, close the cylinder, make the presentation, and into the target. Looks something like that.



It's a lot easier to do than it is to talk about. I break it down into a couple of key visual moments. One of the big visual moments for me is, as soon as I fire that last shot, I am looking right here at the thumb latch to make sure it is pushed all the way forward to open the cylinder,

Then again at this moment, when the cylinder is empty and is ready to receive ammo, I call it looking the ammo into the gun. This is the key. I have to have a visual moment of seeing where the ammo needs to be so, to me, that’s the two key points of the whole reload, getting on the cylinder release, and then looking the ammo back into the cylinder.

So there you have it guys, make you up some practice ammunition, practice at home, then get on the range.  Consistency brings speed.






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